Business on steroids

Quality ManagementIs it just me or is business on steroids? We’ve all got bigger markets and faster communications at our fingertips. Depending on our products and customers, we can run entire businesses online, including buying, selling, billing and shipping. Customers expect 24-7 access.

The more we gather momentum, the more people we are communicating with, the crazier it can become. It’s easy to get carried away, leaping into new technologies and opportunities without really assessing their usefulness or removing outmoded systems. Cracks soon appear.

As our piece of the pie grows it’s vital that business and management systems remain solid to support the outcomes we and our customers expect. Systems need to be routinely reviewed and updated to ensure we continue to meet demand and make the most of available technologies.

The Quality Management System ISO 9001 looks at your business with the end in mind, ensuring all aspects of your business are focused on delivery of reliable, high quality results. For people wanting to win national or international contracts, ISO 9001 Quality accreditation is often a Tender specification.

ISO 9001:2008 is based on eight Quality Management principles:

  • Customer focus
  • Leadership
  • Involvement of people
  • Process approach
  • System approach
  • Continual improvement
  • Fact-based decision making, and
  • Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

Improving your organisation’s quality management system will positively boost profitability. Employees, partners and suppliers feel empowered. Clients notice. Talk to Kaye about documenting your processes in preparation for ISO 9001 Quality accreditation and Tender writing.