Why writing for business lights me up

1. Simple truth

Truth and simplicity are the gateposts of my approach to communication in whatever form – written, spoken or in artform. I find being able to articulate ideas very liberating and I have always loved being able to help others experience the validation and expanding opportunity that comes with ‘putting it out there’ and being understood.

2. Free exchange

There are many types of conversations – selling, research, teaching, social, etc. Whether it’s ideas, money, products or services, I really love the free flowing exchange that comes from communicating effectively. Communication is a two-way street – you need to create an open and engaging dialogue with others. You need to provide your audience with enough information to make a reasoned judgment and be prepared to receive their feedback with an open mind and respond intelligently.

3. Satisfaction

When a client says to me ‘you nailed it’ I know I have been able to translate their (or their organisation’s) personality, ideas and offer into words that resonate with their audience and generate new possibilities for everyone involved. That is intensely satisfying for me – and for them.

Kaye Hall, Wordsmith & More